Date: - 13.06.22 Committee meetingAgenda
Chairman opens meeting
Apologies JT, RC, JWk, RA, PR, PB
Committee Members present: -
1. Read and confirm minutes of the last meeting. (so)
This was done and deemed to be correct. RG/MC
2. Matters arising. (so)
Mark said he still had the charity money from Johns Match to pay in he would do this asap
3. Correspondence. (so)
4. Filham Action Report
No change from last update, trees and grass need attention
5. Cadover Action report
It was agreed to hire a pump to pump the water into lower lake prior to planting.
Tom said he had completed pegs 14,15 qnd 11 will do 12 or possibly 13 next, Bill asked for some pictures as he has to give the EA a progress report.
7. Treasurers report. (so)
Mark said we had about 10.5k bearing in mind we had just paid 3k for the bank repairs at lower lake, Audit is ongoing and needs Bill to chase up the outstanding amount on the Cadover loan, Bill said he would do it asap
8. Financial audit update
Covered above
9. i-book update / membership update. (so)
Mark said we had taken over £1,000 in new online memberships this month.
10. Pete Thompson.
Bill said it had always been the tradition in the club to give life memberships to long standing and active members of the committee and we had omitted to do this when Pete left the committee. Pete had been on the committee for 16/17 years and for most of them he headed and ran the work partys being an invaluable member of the committee. Bill proposed and Mark seconded we give Pete a life membership of the club. This was carried unopposed.
11. Memorial Bench and plaques update.
Richard said he was dealing with this and was waiting on the council getting back to him.
12. Junior Coaching update.
This is all in hand and should go ahead on the dates already released to members
13. Tony Hood.
Mark said we are building a case against him for possible harassment order, police have been contacted and we have a case number. There is now a camera on the gate(notice on gate) which records all comings and goings at the lake so we can use that to track him as well
14. Match secretary’s report. (so)
John gave his report, this can be found on the clubs FB pages and website.
15. Specimen officers report. (so)
Nothing reported officially but a 1lb 6oz roach was caught atmain lake by John West and witnessed by Keith Escotte
16. Bailiffs reports. (so)
Cadover ……Fishing really well for all species, no issues but the usual summer increase in litter due to more people walking through the land
Filham…….Fishing well with a 19lb 2oz common coming out. Carp are spawning and as already mentioned earlier the grass and trees need cutting.
St Germans……Carp are spawning, but a few still coming out, we need to get on top of the weed problem.
17. Next Work Party.
2nd/3rd of july to plant Cadover and Filham( both sites)
18. A.O.B
a. John asked to change 3rd of july match date to the 26th of june as the work party would clash, this was agreed.
b. Tom proposed Pete Merriott as a bailiff at St Germans this was carried
c. John asked to change the date of an upcoming match so as not to clash with the work party. This was agreed and will mean the match due to be fished on the 3rd of July will now take place on the 26th June.
d. Richard said we need to be tougher on members not showing up for pegs booked on ibook. Bill said if he is informesd he will email them. Gary said he would change the dates of the match (previous item)
e. John gave Bill a receipt for the lock he replaced recently at Cadover. Mark said he would pay John cash at the next meeting or transfer it by bacs whichever John preferred.
f. The issue with the toilet beinf left open and dirty on several occaisions was discussed, Bill said he would put a notice on the facebook pages and Phil will put it on the website.
g. Phil said he is getting reports of bailiffs not identifyinf themselves to members on the bank, there was no reason for this since all committee members have and should carry id cards as issued. Bill asked all to be more proactive when approaching members on the bank.
h. Mark will take over the head bailiffs job at Cadover
i. On the subject od bailiffs Bill said he would issue report books and bailiffs duties sheets to the new bailiffs.
j. Sarah asked if she could have an updated id card, this was agreed.
There being no further business the meeting closed 20.30
Next meeting : - Monday 04th July 2022 19.00 hrs at the Parkway social club.