15th November 2021
Chairman opens meeting
Apologies SM, TC, PR, StM
Committee Members present : - PB, PW, JW, NN, AM, PT, PH, JW, RG, TD, JT, BC
Members present : - None
1. Bailiffs
Bill introduced John Thompson to the committee whose name Bill had mistakenly omitted from the AGM election list although the correct paperwork was in place. John is the clubs Head coach and is also willing to bailiff so Bill proposed and Phil seconded that John be co-opted onto the committee as Head Coach/Bailiff. The chairman called the vote which was carried unanimously.
Bill then brought up the subject of who would be head bailiff at Cadover now that Gary has stepped down he proposed that Peter Thompson who has held the post before do it, this was seconded by Pat Whymer. After checking first that Pete was willing to take on the role the Chairman called the vote and it was carried unanimously.
2. Club year book/Newsletter/2022 bundle
Bill handed out draft copies of the club book and Newsletter and also the updated starter pack slips. The committee then began the laborious task of proof reading the book page by page. Mistakes were found and altered and several date clashes in the match dates were corrected.
It was also agreed to have an annual Charity weekend in early April where we would run two matches one in Brian Morrell’s name and one in Alan Stevens’s name and all proceeds would be given to charity. The matter of using Filham instead of St Germans for the Sunday coarse league was discussed and it was eventually agreed to alternate them between the two venues, so there will be 4 matches at each.
3. AOB
a. Bill said he had been promised fish from the EA in late winter/early spring is it still the intention to put them in St Germans after some discussion it was agreed we would.
b. Bill then brought up the Milemead fish and asked if that was still going to St Germans? After a lot of discussion the committee agreed in principle that it would be good to put them in St Germans but that we needed to first build sufficient protection from cormorants into the venue. All sorts of ideas were discussed and we settled on fish refuges and mannequins as the best options. The final decision on this matter was deferred until the Dec meeting when Tom the st Germans Head bailiff would have a plan worked out as to how best to provide the refuges and at what cost.
c. John Thompson said he would like to cover the cost of the Brian Morrell trophy and also said he could get some free bait as prizes for both matches.
d. Richard asked if we buy fish food for the lakes as we have done for the last couple of years ? It was agreed we would but several people thought they could get a better deal so the matter was deferred until the next meeting when Rich would report back.
e. Phil asked about the data held by Alan Stevens in the clubs name? Bill said he would ring Alans widow Cathy and speak to her about collecting it for disposal.
f. Phil also brought up about risk assessments for the work parties and any other events held on our waters. Alan used to do these when needed but of course now he was no longer with us we need to get someone in place. Phil then said he would be happy to do them which the committee gladly accepted.
g. Andrew asked about wat a bailiffs duties were as he had no idea except in the broadest sense, Bill said he had the duties of all committee members on file and would print them out and bring to the next meeting.
h. Peter said he would ask Mark to furnish the committee with the access links for the ibook bookings as they would needto know when bailiffing the lakes where and when people were supposed to be.
i. Pat asked if we were members of the angling trust and Bill said that we were. Also he pointed out he was not yet on the committee chat page, Pete rang Mark and asked him to add him.
j. Lastly Bill said that a disgruntled ex member who was banned from the club nearly 14 years ago had been turning up at the lake sometimes hinting he was a bailiff and sometimes just spouting nonsense about the club and the fish and any other random stuff that came into his head. At least two members were not happy with his attentions and had reported his activities to the committee. He also parks his car in the gateway and watches members come and go until he works out the padlock number. What can we do about it? It was decided Bill would put a notice on FB telling members that All committee members and Bailiffs will have on them and show their id cards. And not to enter into conversation with anyone who does not produce it. Bill will also ring Fish legal and see if we can do anything else to deter this individual from annoying people.
Meeting closed at 21.34
Next meeting : - Monday 6th December 19.00 hrs at the Parkway social club.