25th june 2021



25th June 2021



Richard Godward, Brian Morrell, Alan Stevens, Pete Thompson, Arnie Harrison, Gary Beasley, Tom Dolman, Phil Hawkins, Bill Cox, Mark Chanter, Tristan Causer

Apologies, Steve Manlow, Paul Reed

1. Work Party ‘s

The next work Party is at St Germans on Sunday the 4th of July, Bill asked Tom If he had planned what he wanted to do and what materials were needed? Tom said he knew what needed to be done but he had not worked out the materials needed. He said he would measure up this weekend and let us know. If the timber was not able to be delivered in time we would take it from the Filham lock up and and replace it from the wood ordered.

2. Peg 13

> Gary said that the next work party after the above was at Cadover and two things Need doing. The path to 19 and the rebuilding and bank stabilising of peg 13. There are two options to rebuild the peg both involve scaffold poles driven into the Marginal shelf and held firm to the bank with horizontals tied into the back bank. Option one was to board out the stabaliosed front with pressure treated boards Down into the water and then back fill with hardcore. This would be very labour Intensive and involve barrowing probably 5 ton of stone around the lake, as the Average age of the committee is bordering on prehistoric this was not widely welcomed in the meeting. The second option was to board the swim out using pressure treated timber. The dis-advantage to this was it would cost twice as much as option one. The advantages however are that a small team of people could do it over several evenings, the timber would be secured to the scaffold frame and not putting any weight pressure on the original swim and we would not need to board out the front of the peg. After some discussion it was agreed to go with option two and try ang get it done or at least started on the august work party.

3. I,book

No major issues with ibook this month though some people still not cancelling swims. Gary also said he had looked into using ibook to collect the carp match fees but Colin had said it would be expensive.

4. Clubs breach of GDPR &DPA

Alan said he was unhappy with the collection and inputting of data on ibook, he felt we were in breach of the act. Several members of the committee disagreed with him notably Mark, Bill and Phil. Bill said he did his manual inputs to the best of his ability and felt that as the members filled out their own information we weren’t liable for any omissions, that said he took stringent action to find out missing data where possible. Phil was of the opinion that the act itself was dead since brexit and it was a storm in a teacup. It was agreed that Bill would continue to manually input shop sales and try his best to be accurate.

5. Reporting of clubs financial position

Alan said he was unhappy with the fact that we had not had a report from Mark for two months, the constitution said we should have monthly reports. Mark has recently taken about 5 weeks off from PADCAC but said he still kept the books up to date and all anyone had to do was ask him and he would have sent a report. Alan said the money was not being picked up from the shops on time and meant the report would have been inaccurate. The issue was further blurred by Bills bank card being out of date so he also could not access the accounts. Mark has furnished a report and we now know what and where we have it money wise. Bill has also received his new card and could again access the bank accounts. Mark was now back on the PADCAC case and it was hoped this will be acceptable to everyone.

6. A.O.B

A. Richard asked Mark what the £800 food was for on the report, Mark said it was money earmarked for fish feed based on last years usage. However he said we could use more if needed.

B. Mark said the cess pool probably needs emptying since its been a long while since it was done. Gary said he thought it was only two thirds full and would be ok for a while. Gary said he would check and let Mark know.

C. Phil said the work party issue was an ongoing problem and was there any way we can encourage more promise of help? It was discussed briefly but most felt we were heading inevitably towards having to put any major jobs out to tender which would eat into club funds.

D. Arnie said he was not happy with fish care he had witnessed by some matchmen and felt keeping a lot of fish in keepnets was not good practice. Brian being a matchman of some standing disagreed and said that Arnie should report who it was he saw and what they did so the committee could consider it. Bill said he felt keepnets outside of kids coaching events and matches was not needed.

E. Richard said he had priced up some Tench for weedy but they were very expensive. Brian said and others agreed that what was really need was Crucians not Tench and Rich was asked to see what 8 inch plus crucians he could buy for the earmarked sum(£600).

F. Gary said he felt that the hand rails and bridges on the mainlake back bank were fast reaching the end of there life and would need replacing next year.

G. Bill reminded Richard and Brian that we had a meeting scheduled with ITC on Monday 5th July at 16.15. venue TBC

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.29