


Date: - 05.12.22

Chairman opens meeting

Committee Members present: -


1. Read and confirm minutes of the last meeting. (so)

This was done.

2. Matters arising. (so)

Richard said he had ordered £500 of 10” and £500 of 6” Tench.

3. Correspondence. (so)


4. Filham Action Report

The lake has been roped off and the blocked drain cleared.Only one swim left to replace and the project will be complete.

5. Cadover Action report

Work on bridges is ongoing, all wood now over the otherside of lake.Peg 3 hand rail been repaired. Mark looking at upgrading the camera for the caddy camera. Phil gave the report in marks absence.

6. St Germans Action report

None given.

7. Treasurers report. (so)

None given but nothing really changed since last meeting.

8. i-book update / membership update. (so)

Two new members since last meeting,need to see Colin to see if we can add a car registration box to the joining form.

9. Memorial Bench and plaques update.

Bench now in place but still need to install plaques for Alan and Brian. Hopefully have an unveiling ceremony and a press release around mid to late January.

10. Bailiffs reports. (so)

Cadover ……None given as such but a lot already covered in action plan above

Filham…….As above

St Germans……None given

11. Next Work Party.

Next booked work party will be on 18th March but Gary is keen to do one before then to carry on the bridges on Caddy back bank.

12. A.O.B

a. Dicky said he would like to do some evening knockabouts on a wed and would try and gauge any interest. It was pointed out that this was fine but would have to be done as knockabouts using the booking system.

b. John said that Plymouth angling were introducing a loyalty scheme and poins would be awarded for every £20 spent.

Meeting closed at 20.05

Next meeting : - To be held on Monday 09th Jan 2023 19.00 hrs at the Parkway social club.