Date: - 05.09.22
Chairman opens meeting
Apologies Paul Reed, Mark Chanter, Tom Dolman, Peter Marriott
Committee Members present: - Bill, Sarah, Phil, Steve, Jason, Richard, John W, John T, Arnie
1. Read and confirm minutes of the last meeting. (so)
This was done and deemed to be correct
2. Matters arising. (so)
There were no matters arrising
3. Correspondence. (so)
Richard said he had received a letter from ITC regards our yearly meeting and would arrange it after 16.30 so He and Bill could attend.
4. Filham Action Report
Peg 14 was closed as urgently needs changing, 21 being taken out completely, other then that the work was completed.
5. Cadover Action report
Back bank repairs are now very urgent in some areas and water level is extremely low in car park and lower.
6. St Germans Action report
Tom said he had completed all the work at St Germans and water was about normal level for time of year. Weed still a pressing issue.
7. Treasurers report. (so)
In Marks absence Bill handed out an up to date bank statement.
8. Financial audit update
Audit still not ready as auditor has now gone on holiday, ongoing9. i-book update / membership update. (so)
Bill stated there were no problems with ibook and we have 339 members plus som outstanding book members still at the shops or collected but not yet entered onto the system
10. Treasurers post going forward.
This item was not needed as it was covered at the last meeting and should have been deleted from the copy and paste.
11. Memorial Bench and plaques update.
Ongoing but Richard said he woud try and tie ITC down for a date by the next meeting.
12. Junior Coaching 2022 summary.
John said the coaching this year had for many reasons been limited but we have had good numbers attending and have picked up some new members. One thing he did say was we need more coaches trained for next year. He also said he would like to change the day to a Saturday next year and wants to involve the local schools more.
13. 2023 fish order.
Agreed that Richard should order the £500 offish for weedy asap to ensure we get them for the spring. Also agreed to order £500 of chub for Filham Bill said he would put it into the newsletter and on the FB page and website so members were kept informed.
14. Match secretary’s report. (so)
Cadover Aug 7th 1st Chris Morris, 2nd John West, 3rd Laura Johnson
Cadover sept 4th 1st John West, 2nd Rich Billingham, 3rd Dave Robinson
St Germans….. not fishedFilham August 20th 1st John West, 2nd Keith Escott, 3rd Kevin Mcquerk
15. Specimen officers report. (so)
None given
16. Bailiffs reports. (so)
Cadover ……Still fishing ok but water levels are really low
Filham…….Levels ok and good fish still coming out
St Germans……None given
17. Next Work Party.
Oct 15th at Cadover, work needed to be discussed and organised on messanger chat
18. A.O.B
a. John west asked if we could rope weed earlier then the 14th oct and it was agreed we could.
b. John also asked if we could have some of the more accessible swims left bookable for members to fish between the ropes as we do at Filham, this was also agreed.
c. Jayson said he thought linking work parties to a social event mat improve attendances, this was generally thought to be a good idea and we will discuss it further prior to the next work party.
d. Steve brought up about the 3 rod rule and said he felt if the lakes had less then 4 people on them 3 rods should be allowed. A lively and at times heated discussion then ensued the result of which was everyone present bar 2 felt it was not a good idea and would lead to trouble and confrontation for the bailiffs.
e. John said he had spoken to the EA about the water testing kits and should have some more info on prices next month
f. John also asked that Bill reminded members about fish care and the club rules around fish care. Bill said he would put it on the newsletter for the AGM letter next month
g. Bill said he would put up a brief outline of what the club has been trying to achieve this year
h. Jason said we should keep a war chest so if we find anything wrong via the (hopefully) testing regime next year we can react to it speedily.
i. John was asked to arrange the consultants to come to the lakes and give us an overview on how we are doing and what needs to be done.
j. John west said he had moved the match due to take place on 18th sept at Cadover to Milemead so could ibook be opened up for members to book.
Meeting closed at 20.22
Next meeting : - Monday 03rd Oct 2022 19.00 hrs at the Parkway social club.