9th Janurary 2023
Chairman opens meeting
Committee Members present: -
1. Read and confirm minutes of the last meeting. (so)
This was done and deemed to be correct. JT / SM
2. Matters arising. (so)
3. Correspondence. (so)
Bill had an email from ITC about an alleged cormorant shooting reported to them by a member of the public, Bill said he had answered the email asserting that we in no way took any such action.
4. Filham Action Report
The last swim still needs to be done to complete the planned work from last years plan.
5. Cadover Action report
Back bank bridge/walkway renewal is still ongoing with more work planned for this month if weather is suitable.
6. St Germans Action report
Not much done this last month as most of the woodside peg and walkway renewals have been carried out. Tom and Pete did say they have pulled out some of the weed.
7. Grant projects.
Bill said he was in touch with the EA?AT about grant funding for 2023 but need ed a decent plan to put forward. The weed removal at St Germans is a major issue stopping the lake being used to its full potential and John Thompson has said he will get the lake management consultants down to advise and hopefully come up with a costed plan which Bill can then take to the AT for funding. Bill pointed out that this has to be done by mid March to stand any chance of getting any funds.
8. ITC( cormorants )
This issue was covered initem 4 above.
9. Treasurers report. (so)
The treasurer was not at the meeting but Bill said after talking to him on the phone we have just over £7,000.00 in the bank.
10. i-book update / membership update. (so)
Bill said there were no major issues with ibook and memberships are selling very steadily. We have 79 new members not including the committee or life members.
41 Senior members
34 OAP members
4 Juniors.
This has brought almost 3.8k into the clubs bank balance meaning we are now in a more secure place going forward.
11. Memorial Bench and plaques update.
The bench has now been fitted by ITC and we now need to get the plaques fitted and have the unveiling so we can share it on our media pages. Paul Reed still has Alans plaque .
12. Bailiffs reports. (so)
Cadover ……Bill read out a letter from Mark in his absence, in it he said that he and Rob had done a few jobs includingraising the plants in the lower lake so they were in the correct depth of water, replacing the rail on peg 3 main lake and shutting off pegs 20,21 and 22 as the pathway is unsafe.
Filham…….A few fish coming out but slow due to the cold weather. Also a couple came out with damaged heads, possibly cormorant strikes?
St Germans……Still members fishing but very slow to catch, the weed is still a major issue.
13. Next Work Party. Work party planned for the 28th to do the bridge beteen 10 and 11. Bill and Phil to put appeal for volunteers on the media pages.
14. A.O.B
a. John said he had collected all the old books from Plymouth Angling
b. Richard said he had ordered the fish and they would be delivered sometime in late March early April.
c. John said he has applied for a grant to pay for coaching places and also help towards hid award scheme idea.
d. Rich is to source and price a new doorlock for the toilet door at Cadover along the same lines as the one at Filham. Also to include an automatic closing bracket to prevent the door being left unlocked.
e. Phil asked if we can have a new chain for the gate at Cadover as the old one is to short and difficult to lock. Steve said he had one we could have and John Thompson said he would weld it to the lock.
Meeting closed at 19.43
Next meeting : - To be held on Monday 06th Feb 2023 19.00 hrs at the Parkway social club.