


Date: - 09.05.22Agenda

1. Read and confirm minutes of the last meeting. (so)

This was done and deemed to be correct

2. Matters arising. (so)

Agreed we need new notice boards for both Cadover and St Germans Rich would talk to Council about re-siting or putting new board nearer the lake.

3. Correspondence. (so)

Bill read out a letter from Dicky Billingham regarding his perceived problems with the water quality and stocking of the lakes. Bill would write back to dicky

outlining the clubs position and also outlining the plans we have already in place going forwards.

Phil said he had had a disabled member in touch about joining the club.

Both Phil and Jason have said they are interested in helping out at the coaching nights

Bill said he is waiting on the names of the winners of the draw so he could forward Paul Slater the two free memberships we had pledged.

4. Filham Action Report….. No change since last meeting

5. Cadover Action report…..Work has started on the lower lake bank repairs.

6. St Germans Action report….Work on 14 and 15 started, 15 nearly complete and peg 7 would be next.

7. Treasurers report. (so)

Treasurers Report Given

8. i-book update / membership update. (so)

30 new members, total 260. Bill to get the books for shops by next meeting.

9. Filham matches / re lake /peg closures.

Following the issue with a member at Filham recently John gave the peg numbers to Gary so he could input them into ibook for all the remaining matches this year.

10. Memorial Bench and plaques

Richard said he would see the council and try and get a plan of action re work before the next meeting.

11. Brian Morrell/Alan Stevens Charity weekend update

Paul (R) said he had opaid in a cheque to cancer research for £203 and John said the matchman had also made another £95 to donate.

12. Reinstalling the net at St Germans.

Ongoing, but having trouble sourcing a suitable net.

13. Junior Coaching dates/times.

First Friday session will be 29th June

14. Match secretary’s report. (so)

Cadover 10th April(brian Morrell) 1st R Edgecombe, 2nd John west, 3rd Barry Lang

Cadover Sun 24th April 1st Chris Morris, 2nd John west, 3rd Bill Crossman

Filham wed 4th May 1st Chis Morris, 2nd K Escote, 3rd John West

Filham Sun 8th May 1st K Escote, 2nd Alan Taylor, 3rd Dave Rowe

15. Specimen officers report. (so)

None given

16. Bailiffs reports. (so)

Cadover ……Fishing well and improving all the time, Tench lake is especially good

Filham…….Fishing well for Carp but silvers slow but are beginning to come out.

St Germans……weed is an issue and few fish coming out.

17. Next Work Party. June 11th also next meeting need to fix date for first section of back bank repairs.

18. A.O.B

a. Bill to try and get a firm delivery date for plants.

b. Rob Ashton and Richard Chanter welcomed on board as new Cadover bailiffs.

c. Dogs at Filham need to be service dogs to be allowed inside inner perimeter fence ie blind doghs or deaf dogs or medical emergency dogs etc.

d. Bailiffs asked to keep records of any sightings, reports or dealiongs with Tony Hood.

e. Jason will find out costings and availability for chalking lakes( next meeting)

Meeting closed at 20.20

Next meeting : - Monday 04th July 2022 19.00 hrs at the Parkway social club.